WHAT IS PROMISE WEEKEND? It’s all about the youth! Motivity’s Promise Weekend is an overnight event to be held at one of metro Detroit’s premier hotels. Twenty (20) youth and their YSPs (Youth Support Partner), which could be a parent or another adult, will engage in biblically based discussions about issues such as abstinence, peer pressure, self-esteem and more. The goal is … [Read more...]
Motivity’s “Set Your Course” Summer Camp Series – 2015
Thank you to Ricardo Martin, Principal of Durfee Elementary/Middle. Motivity is honored to host its, “Set Your Course” Summer Camp within your school. This camp is designed to guide students through a process of preparing for personal, educational and relationship success. As Motivity’s work expands to include a range of personal and leadership development, we are joined … [Read more...]
Healthy vs. Toxic Relationships
WHAT RELATIONSHIPS MATTER MOST TO YOU? DATING, EDUCATIONAL, FAMILY, FRIENDSHIPS, OR BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS? Every relationship is significant and they are widespread throughout our lives. Our relationships are with family members, teachers, employers and even those of a romantic nature. Knowing the difference between those that are healthy and unhealthy can make the difference … [Read more...]
Teen Dating & Violence
IF YOU THINK THAT SOMEONE MISTREATING YOU IS YOUR FAULT – IT’S NOT Motivity addresses healthy vs. toxic relationships focusing on friendship relationships initially. While dating violence obviously falls into the unhealthy or toxic category, it deserves an emphasis as to its meaning and specific influence on young people. Relationships that are unhealthy can start … [Read more...]
Knowing the Facts About Pregnancy, STDs & HIV
WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE REALITY OF TEENS HAVING SEX TODAY? The percentage of births to unmarried girls under age 20 has risen dramatically, reaching 83 percent in 2005. This is significant because births outside of marriage generally have more negative consequences for both mothers and their children. Roughly half (47 percent ) of all high school students in the … [Read more...]
Finances & Employment
WILL YOU STRUGGLE, JUST GET BY, OR WILL YOU DO WELL FINANCIALLY? Did you know that the majority of students in America and around the world enter adulthood without a basic financial education, setting them up for a host of troubles ranging from credit card debt to NO SAVINGS AT ALL. Poor decisions made as a teenager or young adult can lead to a lifetime of debt and … [Read more...]